Sentence example with the word 'mirroring'


companion, double, fakery, icon, imposture, match, onomatopoeia, plagiary, rubbing, simulation, tracing

Last update: July 5, 2015


He rolled to face her, mirroring her position.   [Please select]


Peabody waited patiently, her eyes mirroring her explicit faith in Betty's planning powers.   [Please select]


The western half is grand and solemn, with its deep waters mirroring white crags and blue glaciers.   [Please select]


") Her eyes are gloriously dark and deep, like midnight lakes mirroring the stars of heaven."   [Please select]


Trapper's Lake lay before him, a beautiful sheet of water, mirroring the black slopes and the fringed spruces and the flat peaks.   [Please select]


He halted, mirroring their surprise, and stood staring down at them with a bleak, hard look.   [Please select]


Can this peculiar quality in the atmosphere be due, here as there, to the presence of a large body of comparatively smooth and shallow water, mirroring back to heaven the light that it receives.   [Please select]


HOME AGAIN It was a clear, apple-green evening in May, and Four Winds Harbour was mirroring back the clouds of the golden west between its softly dark shores.   [Please select]

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mirrored - mirroring - mirrors