Sentence example with the word 'miserliness'


Definition n. total lack of generosity with money

Last update: October 7, 2015


Lord's house allowance; for one of his chief faults was an incredible parsimony, amounting almost to miserliness.   [Please select]


Their tartness and strictness and miserliness had made the life of the girls in the school uncomfortable for some time.   [Please select]


We doubt whether, except Rousseau, any autobiographer ever had the courage to accuse himself of so ungraceful a fault as infant miserliness.   [Please select]


With the instinctive miserliness of the man who realizes that passion to last must be hoarded, not scattered, he had drawn back almost unconsciously from the simple abandonment of her love.   [Please select]


The millionaire, in spite of his reputation for miserliness, had even volunteered his disinterested support if at any time it should become necessary to enlarge the plant.   [Please select]

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miseries - miserliness - miserly