Sentence example with the word 'misgoverned'


Last update: June 23, 2015


During Ivan's minority the country was governed, or rather misgoverned, first by his mother, and then by rival factions led by great nobles such as the princes Shuiski and Belski.   [Please select]


The dislike between Leicester and those he insulted and misgoverned soon became mutual.   [Please select]


There had arisen a generation which shrugged at his eld, and remained one which still thought him a misgoverned youth.   [Please select]


These men were hated as tax-gatherers, and distrusted as members of the old ring which had misgoverned the country.   [Please select]


"Unless such men as we are take these things in hand, always we shall be misgoverned, always the sons will die."   [Please select]


"Misgoverned," returned Ravonino in a tone of bitterness, which, however, he evidently tried to restrain.   [Please select]


EVILS OF THE PROVINCIAL SYSTEM As the Romans came more and more to relish the opportunities for plunder afforded by a wealthy province, its inhabitants were often wretchedly misgoverned.   [Please select]


Viewed in all its aspects, the event which gave to the whole of that country a unity in allegiance, and to which a misgoverned people complacently submitted, was as inevitable as it was momentous.   [Please select]

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misgovern - misgoverned - misgovernment