Sentence example with the word 'mismanagement'


abuse, conversion, defilement, fouling, maladministration, misadministration, misdirection, misguidance, misuse, omission, pollution, violation

Definition n. management that is careless or inefficient

Last update: July 21, 2015


We have had enough of mismanagement of funds.   [Please select]


At the conclusion of the war, while the troops were still in camp in the South, Mr Roosevelt joined in a "round robin" of protest against the mismanagement in the War Department, which had resulted in widespread suffering among the troops from wretched food and bad sanitary arrangements.   [Please select]


To dream of using a hair-brush, denotes you will suffer misfortune from your mismanagement.   [Please select]


THE INDIGNATION OF NICHOLAS NICKLEBY ("Nicholas Nickleby" deals with the gross mismanagement of schools in Yorkshire, England.)   [Please select]


His mismanagement and selfishness led to an insurrection of some of the great nobles among whom were Condé and D'Épernon.'   [Please select]


He had lost five years, so far as classical training was concerned, by the mismanagement of the Archdeacon himself.   [Please select]


Acts were framed to put a stop to this mismanagement, which was fast ruining the country, by driving people from it.   [Please select]


Reinforcements never came, partly through mismanagement in France, partly through the vigilance of the British fleet, which was on guard before Brest.   [Please select]


But the prodigal expenditure and mismanagement of Henry kept on increasing.   [Please select]


But discomfort and alarm were not the only results of the mismanagement of the household; the waste, extravagance, and peculation that also flowed from it were immeasurable.   [Please select]


The British determined to attack Canada But what, with mismanagement, sickness, and bickerings among the various colonies, the land attack came to nothing.   [Please select]

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mismanaged - mismanagement - mismanaging