Sentence example with the word 'misquoted'


biased, cooked, doctored, garbled, inauthentic, miscited, misreported, misrepresented, misstated, perverted, slanted, spurious, strained, tortured, twisted, unauthentic, unauthoritative, unfounded, unreliable

Last update: August 27, 2015


Rather see "England free than England compulsorily sober," an utterance which the extreme advocates of total abstinence misquoted and attacked.   [Please select]


"A cannon ball never strikes in the same place twice," misquoted Obed.   [Please select]


Upon my word, it's the worst mess we ever got into since you misquoted Professor Diggs and he sued you.   [Please select]


To support his arguments and to show that suicide was a noble act, he quoted Plato, Cicero, Shakespeare, and even misquoted the Bible.   [Please select]

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misquote - misquoted - misquoting