Sentence example with the word 'mistiness'


Definition n. cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor

Last update: September 22, 2015


So suddenly seen in the blue plain of the sea, and relieved against the still bluer margin of the sky, the spray that he raised, for the moment, intolerably glittered and glared like a glacier; and stood there gradually fading and fading away from its first sparkling intensity, to the dim mistiness of an advancing shower in a vale.   [Please select]


Each of these bug-a-boos in the general mistiness and muddle-headiness of the time can be seen going about, saying, "Boo."   [Please select]


The mistiness that serves a strong man for tears clouded his sight.   [Please select]


He tried to picture his father weeping near the incinerator, and failed, partly owing to the mistiness surrounding that gentleman's bodily appearance.   [Please select]


II AT MALAY JACK'S When Kerry left Bond Street the mistiness of the night was developing into definite fog.'   [Please select]


A slight mistiness which Donald, with swelling heart, had noted in his father's eyes a few moments before was now gone.   [Please select]


XIX Bombardment WE are in the flat country, a vast mistiness, but above it is dark blue.   [Please select]


There was no soft blending, or kind obscurity, or elusive mistiness in that searching glitter.   [Please select]


There was an attractive mistiness of atmosphere in the warm night, a sensation more than attractive in being made much of by a woman of one's own class and country after five years' wandering.   [Please select]


His hair was dark, and his eyes, deep-set and luminous as a child's, looked straight at the world through lashes so long they made a mistiness of shadow.   [Please select]

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mistimed - mistiness - misting