Sentence example with the word 'mistranslation'


Definition n. an incorrect translation

Last update: July 11, 2015


In his days there shall be no unrighteousness in their midst; for they are all holy and their king the anointed of the Lord (xpwros idptos, mistranslation of rnm rrwn).   [Please select]


He had gathered the idea from Felippo's vile mistranslation that the Christians worshipped four Gods, i.   [Please select]


--"This is a remarkable instance of mistranslation."   [Please select]


] The phrase "resembled internally" is of especial interest in this passage; it may perhaps arise as a mistranslation of the technical term for stereographic projection of the sphere, and if so the device might have been an anaphoric clock or some other astrolabic device.   [Please select]

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mistranslated - mistranslation - mistreat