Sentence example with the word 'molders'


Last update: August 9, 2015


They controlled the schools, wrote the books, framed the laws, and, in general, acted as leaders and molders of public opinion.   [Please select]


The blocks were molded by piece work for 5 cts per block, all materials, tools and plant being supplied to the molders.   [Please select]


But now behind the machine itself I felt the minds of its molders.   [Please select]


In 1859 the Iron Molders' Union of North America began its aggressive career.   [Please select]


One of the earliest of these agreements was effected by the Iron Molders' Union in 1891 and has been annually renewed.   [Please select]


We want some men to start a furnace forthwith; the iron, coal, and molders are waiting.   [Please select]


Before 1860 there were several such national trade unions, including the plumbers, printers, mule spinners, iron molders, and stone cutters.   [Please select]


In the central labor union, printers, cordwainers, iron molders, and other craftsmen considered common problems and learned to coƶperate with one another in enforcing the demands of each craft.   [Please select]


Sylvis of the Iron Molders' Union, who was the driving force behind the National Labor Congress, and he made it clear at once that he welcomed Mrs.   [Please select]

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moldering - molders - moldiness