Sentence example with the word 'monogamy'


beena marriage, common-law marriage, concubinage, left-handed marriage, leviration, marriage of convenience, monogyny, picture marriage, polygamy, trial marriage

Definition n. having only one spouse at a time

Last update: September 12, 2015


When my husband and I got married, we took a vow of monogamy.   [Please select]


Spenser left the religious cult because it forbade monogamy and insisted that all men have multiple wives.   [Please select]


Monogamy was the rule, and a childless wife might give her husband a maid (who was no wife) to bear him children, who were reckoned hers.   [Please select]


But--Georgie, I've been thinking of one mild bat--oh, don't worry, old pillar of monogamy; it's highly proper.   [Please select]


"This from Fourier: 'Monogamy and private property are the main characteristics of Civilisation."'   [Please select]


If matrimony nowadays didn't always mean monogamy, who was chiefly to blame.   [Please select]


Doria gave him a glance which in spite of my devotion to Barbara and my abhorrence of hair's breadth deviation from strict monogamy dealt me a pang of unregenerate jealousy.   [Please select]


Susan tried to show her audiences in Utah that her point of attack under both monogamy and polygamy was the subjection of women, and that to remedy this the self-support of women was essential.   [Please select]

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monogamous - monogamy - monogenetic