Sentence example with the word 'moonshine'


argument, begging the question, blockade, circular argument, fence, hogwash, insincere argument, moonlight, rot, stuff and nonsense

Definition n. the light of the Moon

Last update: October 9, 2015


But groping their way along, they soon came to a small crack, through which they saw grass, pale in the moonshine.   [Please select]


However that may be, this dread that they may run away together is moonshine.   [Please select]


None of us uttered a word until we reached the road, lying in the white moonshine of the May night.   [Please select]


We could see the long rows of trees, a white gladness in the moonshine.   [Please select]


Oh, look at the moonshine on the road in that gap between the spruces.   [Please select]


"But if this is so, O Macumazana, why do you also wish to drink of the moonshine of Zikali."   [Please select]


How often had George in the course of his life talked with levity, almost amounting to contempt, of things being "all a matter of moonshine."   [Please select]

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moonset - moonshine - moonshiner