Sentence example with the word 'moored'


aground, caught, fast, fixed, held, impacted, jammed, stranded, stuck fast, tied, wedged

Last update: August 25, 2015


Other forms show no indication of ever having been attached, while some that had been moored by means of a peduncle during the early portion of their existence have become detached at a more advanced stage of life, the opening becoming gradually cicatrized, as is so often seen in Leptaena rhomboidalis, Orthisina anomala, &c. Lastly, some species adhere to submarine objects by a larger or smaller portion of their ventral valve, as is the case with many forms of Crania, Thecidium, Davidsonia, &c. Some Cranias are always attached by the whole surface of their lower or ventral valve, which models itself and fills up all the projections or depressions existing on either the rock, shell or coral to which it adhered.   [Please select]


The fleet that lies moored there is his.   [Please select]


Accordingly, she pulled rapidly back to the shore, moored her boat, and rushed helter-skelter up to the house.   [Please select]


There was a little pier on the harbour shore below the House of Dreams, and two boats were moored there.   [Please select]


We were sitting in full view of the roadstead where Anthony and Cleopatra's ships had moored a hundred times.   [Please select]


Kaa flashed up-stream again, and moored himself in the middle of the gorge, looking upward at the line of the cliff.   [Please select]


In an hour the _Arato_, moored by her spare anchor, lay in the little bay, less than two hundred yards from shore.   [Please select]

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moorcock - moored - moorfowl