Sentence example with the word 'moorhen'


Definition n. black gallinule that inhabits ponds and lakes

Last update: October 1, 2015


The game birds consist of grouse, blackcock, moorhen, quail and partridge.   [Please select]


"--I have not seen the Moorhen myself in Guernsey, but Mr."   [Please select]


I see no reason to doubt the fact of the Moorhen occasionally breeding in Mr.   [Please select]


The moorhen, meanwhile, invariably escaped; yet Bob failed to understand that he was the only diver in the pack.   [Please select]


The gurgling call of a moorhen, mingling with the ripple of the stream over the ford, came from the reeds at a distant bend of the river.   [Please select]


The moorhen called again from the reeds near the ford, then flew away over the fire-flushed river and disappeared into the gloom; and a water-vole dropped with a gentle plash into the pool.   [Please select]

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moorfowl - moorhen - moorhens