Sentence example with the word 'moray'


Definition n. family of brightly colored voracious eels of warm coastal waters

Last update: October 30, 2015


But Hepburn, prior of St Andrews, having obtained the vote of the chapter, expelled him, and was himself in turn expelled by Forman, bishop of Moray, who had been nominated by the pope.   [Please select]


] O high-minded Moray.   [Please select]


The main body marched away into Cumberland; but Douglas, March, and Moray, with 300 spears and 2000 footmen, including many an Armstrong, entered Northumberland.   [Please select]


As they hold in their hands Douglas, and the Regent's son, Moray, and Angus, they may well make terms with Scotland.   [Please select]


With every token of my regard, I am, dear Ned, affectionately your friend, Robert Moray I.   [Please select]


"I shall be happy to wait Captain Moray's pleasure," he said presently, "and to serve my own by sitting at your table."   [Please select]


"But now--Captain Moray dines with us," said Madame Duvarney quietly and meaningly.   [Please select]


It has greatly increased in the south of England of late, and it nests along the Moray and Dornock Firths.   [Please select]


I could not foresee the extraordinary popularity of 'The Seats of the Mighty', but with what I thought was a sense of honour I eliminated his name and changed it to Robert Moray.   [Please select]

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moratorium - moray - morbid