Sentence example with the word 'mordanted'


Last update: July 21, 2015


It dyes silk and mordanted cotton a fine scarlet.   [Please select]


--The wool is first mordanted by boiling for one and a half hours with 3 lb.   [Please select]


They may be combined with logwood, as they will dye with equal facility on mordanted and unmordanted wool.   [Please select]


It is best carried out by preparing a cold bath, entering the prepared or mordanted cotton in this and heating slowly up.   [Please select]


However, it was found out that if the cotton be prepared or mordanted (as it is called) with tannic acid or with any substance containing that compound they could be used for dyeing cotton.   [Please select]


Fine blacks are got if after oiling the cotton is treated with sumac or tannic acid, then mordanted with iron and dyed with alizarine as usual.   [Please select]

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mordant - mordanted - mordanting