Sentence example with the word 'moths'


Last update: August 30, 2015


The scandals of the bowling alleys grew rampant in Elizabethan London, and Stephen Gosson in his School of Abuse (1579) says, "Common bowling alleys are privy moths that eat up the credit of many idle citizens; whose gains at home are not able to weigh down their losses abroad; whose shops are so far from maintaining their play, that their wives and children cry out for bread, and go to bed supperless often in the year."   [Please select]


The wings of all butterflies and moths are covered with scales and hairs in this way.   [Please select]


Early in the spring these change to pupae and later the moths come out.   [Please select]


What time in the spring do the caterpillars change to the pupa and when do the moths emerge.   [Please select]


After tomato plants are well started the large greyish humming-bird-like moths comes from the ground and begin laying eggs.   [Please select]


Night-flying moths all have these little eyes, whilst in butterflies, which fly in the daytime, they are wanting.   [Please select]


] The caterpillars of the Swallow-tailed moths, when irritated, give out an offensive smell, but they are unable to 'spray.'   [Please select]


Moths burned in the gas flames, and June bugs hummed in at the high windows and tilted against the walls.   [Please select]


Exactly like foolish moths did men, in other respects intelligent, flutter round the impassive lighted candle of a pretty face.   [Please select]


The same is true of the Russian musk-rats, but for all that their skins are employed in chests containing clothing: since the musky smell is a good preservative against the moths.   [Please select]

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mothlike - moths - mothy