Sentence example with the word 'moulting'


Definition n. periodic shedding of the cuticle in arthropods or the outer skin in reptiles

Last update: August 20, 2015


In structure and some of its habits much resembling a bullfinch, but much exceeding that bird in size, it has the plumage of a crossbill and appears to undergo the same changes as do the members of the restricted genus Loxia - the young being of a dull greenish-grey streaked with brownish-black, the adult liens tinged with golden-green, and the cocks glowing with crimson-red on nearly all the body-feathers, this last colour being replaced after moulting in confinement by bright yellow.   [Please select]


Moulting and songless birds, denotes merciless and inhuman treatment of the outcast and fallen by people of wealth.   [Please select]


When moulting, and unable to rise into the air, it is no easy matter to follow them even with a canoe.   [Please select]


They do this, perhaps, because these wild territories afford them a better security during the season of incubation, and afterwards of moulting.   [Please select]


It stays down there, eating and growing and moulting, for nine or ten months or even longer; then something very wonderful happens.   [Please select]


The laying continues, with few interruptions, till the close of summer, when the natural process of moulting causes them to cease.   [Please select]

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moulted - moulting - moults