Sentence example with the word 'muddier'


Last update: October 19, 2015


But when I stood on the shore they at once rose up with a great flapping of wings at the signal of their commander, and when they had got into rank circled about over my head, twenty-nine of them, and then steered straight to Canada, with a regular honk from the leader at intervals, trusting to break their fast in muddier pools.   [Please select]


Then he went down again, and the water grew muddier than ever.   [Please select]


Then down he would go, and the water would grow muddier and muddier.   [Please select]


Indeed, the muddier the water, the more vigorously would he wash.   [Please select]


If it was possible for weather to be worse than it had been the day before, it was worse this day--wetter, muddier, colder.   [Please select]


Like the western diver, they go down deeper and stay down longer than other critics, but like him too they come up muddier.   [Please select]

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muddied - muddier - muddiest