Sentence example with the word 'nastily'


Definition adv. in a nasty ill-tempered manner

Last update: October 27, 2015


"Perhaps he has left it to his cat," he added, looking very nastily at Jem and me.   [Please select]


And you needn't bother to stop for supper--you've several hours' lost time to make up," said Peabody nastily."   [Please select]


A few of the bullets sang nastily close to the twelve huddled men and their canine leader.   [Please select]


You can get yourself out, as you got yourself in," she said nastily."   [Please select]


Sitting down on a heap of stones by the roadside, I looked at his near hind paw, and saw that it was nastily cut, so that he could only walk in great pain.   [Please select]


One had doubled and completely escaped them; and in the chase Rex had cut his foot nastily on a strip of unseen barbed wire.   [Please select]

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nastiest - nastily - nastiness