Sentence example with the word 'nasturtiums'


Last update: July 11, 2015


Some petioles are long, slender and sensitive to contact, and function as tendrils by means of which the plant climbs; as in the l,' nasturtiums (Tropaeolum), clematis and c in others; and in compound leaves the midrib and some of the leaflets may similarly be transformed into tendrils, as in the pea and vetch.   [Please select]


Don't cast your nasturtiums on my character.   [Please select]


There were nasturtiums and mignonette on the outer window-sill, and convolvulus was trained to climb round the window.   [Please select]


Two huge granite posts topped with flaming nasturtiums marked the point where it turned off from the main highway.   [Please select]


Morning-glories and nasturtiums ran all over the bars, making haste to bloom.   [Please select]


It flowers early and long, and its place might be taken for the autumn by scarlet dwarf nasturtiums, or clumps of geranium.   [Please select]


Tubs of arum lilies stood about on the stone floor, and on a table flamed a huge bunch of fierce nasturtiums.   [Please select]


Seen from without, across the bowl of nasturtiums, it was the most beautiful of brief and dimpled smiles.   [Please select]


Some Nasturtiums (_Tropæolum majus_) and Morning-Glories should be planted from the first in boxes of earth and allowed to grow over the window, as they are often used for illustrations.   [Please select]


They lie so--Vida and Will and Aunt Bessie--they tell me I ought to be satisfied with Hugh and a good home and planting seven nasturtiums in a station garden.   [Please select]

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nasturtium - nasturtiums - nasty