Sentence example with the word 'nawab'


Definition n. a governor in India during the Mogul empire

Last update: August 22, 2015


In 1756 the old nawab died, and was succeeded by his grandson Surajud-Dowlah, a young madman of 19, whose name is indelibly associated with the tragedy of the Black Hole.   [Please select]


"The nawab held the fort for seven months, when it was recaptured by Lord Clive."   [Please select]


After it had attained considerable importance, in 1756, it was attacked by the Nawab of Bengal, the king or rajah; and after a siege of two days the place yielded.   [Please select]


The nawab caused one hundred and forty-six prisoners, all he had taken, to be shut up in a room only eighteen feet square, with only two small windows, both of them obstructed by a veranda.   [Please select]

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navvy - nawab - naysayer