Sentence example with the word 'neatness'


anality, classicalism, dandyism, elegance, flow, good taste, lucidity, pellucidity, restraint, spiffiness, tidiness

Definition n. the state of being neat and smart and trim

Last update: June 22, 2015


He was rewarded for his neatness by his mother.   [Please select]


They differed from the other natives in the superior neatness of their method of preparing their food, and were more cleanly in their persons, bathing every morning, apparently as an act of devotion.   [Please select]


The German machine even in retreat worked with neatness and dispatch.   [Please select]


No one's ever called neatness my strong point.   [Please select]


He was much struck with the appearance of neatness and order in the fort, and the solidity of the buildings.   [Please select]


But nowhere else were cheerfulness and neatness possible in the old crazy shed which Caleb's fancy so transformed.   [Please select]


Beavers are exemplary in their neatness; the house after five months' use is as neat as when first made.   [Please select]


He did not so much mind its being shabby, but he was repelled by the evident lack of neatness.   [Please select]

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neatly - neatness - neats