Sentence example with the word 'negotiating'


Last update: September 22, 2015


He turned to the owner and started negotiating price and terms.   [Please select]


What authority, if any, have I to do any negotiating.   [Please select]


The people have no way of negotiating it on theirs, but by employing fit persons in London to act for them.   [Please select]


The active lads found little trouble in negotiating the descent leading down to level ground.   [Please select]


At this point a far more serious crisis put the pacific relations of the two negotiating countries in dire peril.   [Please select]


"We've run across the lonely castle your aunt is negotiating for, and it seems to fill the bill to a dot."   [Please select]


Elgin came out actively in opposition and aided in negotiating the Reciprocity Treaty with the United States which met the economic need.   [Please select]


I discovered him negotiating to buy me a set of jade when he was getting one hundred dollars a month.   [Please select]


Greater caution, if possible, was now used by all in their negotiating the dark passage.   [Please select]


The negotiation of a lease, therefore, was a purely informal matter; the partners were merely dealing with one another; yet Widener and Elkins received a fee of $5,000,000 as personal compensation for negotiating this lease.   [Please select]


A member of the Dominion Cabinet, Rodolphe Lemieux, succeeded in 1907 in negotiating at Tokio an agreement by which Japan herself undertook to restrict the number of passports issued annually to emigrants to Canada.   [Please select]

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negotiates - negotiating - negotiation