Sentence example with the word 'neologisms'


Last update: October 25, 2015


The Latin alphabet is used, with special signs to represent sounds borrowed from Slavonic, &c. All the unaccented vowels except e are pronounced as in Italian; e has the same phonetic value as in Old Slavonic (=French e) and is often similarly preiotized (= ye in yet), notably at the beginning of all words except neologisms. The accented vowels é and ó are pronounced as ea and oa (petra, rock, = peatra; morte, death, = moarte); they are written in full, as diphthongs, at the end of a word and sometimes in other positions.   [Please select]


Among sound reactions we occasionally find *neologisms*; for these a separate heading is provided.   [Please select]


Most of these neologisms are similar in the modern languages of China and Japan.   [Please select]


This subdivision contains several types of reactions which seem to be dependent upon the phenomenon of perseveration; it contains also the rather important type of neologisms.   [Please select]


Remarkably persistent tendency to give sound reactions; numerous sound neologisms; no reactions given in response to some of the stimulus words on the ground that she had "no word to match."   [Please select]

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neologism - neologisms - neomorph