Sentence example with the word 'nervure'


Definition n. any of the vascular bundles or ribs that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues in a leaf or other plant organ

Last update: June 15, 2015


(X 300.) by a nervure and traversed by two A, With " bladder," b, longitudinal nervures, or the nervuration protruded; B, retracted, may be altogether degenerated.   [Please select]


The wings with one marginal and three submarginal cells, and one recurrent nervure.   [Please select]


First submarginal cross-nervure: Hymenoptera; part of the media and the radio-medial cross vein (Comst.)   [Please select]


), = media 3 (Comst), to the junction of medial cross-vein; also called sub-marginal nervure in part.   [Please select]


Each space is surrounded by a strong nervure and goffered by slight wrinkles or depressions.   [Please select]


Wasp-like bee, with fusiform abdomen, reddish wings and red legs; three complete submarginal cells, first recurrent nervure meeting second transversocubital _Rhathymus beebei_, new species Otherwise formed, the abdomen broad at base 14.   [Please select]


Here they are bordered by a black nervure, without any trace of fringe, thus giving an amount of rigidity to the edges (see Plate I, fig.)   [Please select]

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