Sentence example with the word 'netted'


barred, crossbarred, grated, laced, lacy, meshed, mullioned, netty, reticular, reticulated, streaked

Definition adj. having open interstices or resembling a web

Last update: September 11, 2015


According to a document of 1640, this commerce netted the government 350,000 pesos annually.   [Please select]


It is reasonably certain that the Barren Grounds never will be netted by railways,--unless gold is discovered over a wide area.   [Please select]


Anoura geoffroyi lasiopyga (Peters, 1868) Four specimens of this species, netted on 24 and 25 July 1967 in a banana grove 1.   [Please select]


Four adult males netted on 24 April had testes with an average length of 7.   [Please select]


We netted this species at Santa MarĂ­a de Ostuma in patches of cloud forest at a cafetal.   [Please select]


Testes of a male netted on 14 March were 7 mm in length, whereas those of two obtained on 11 April measured 4 and 7 mm.   [Please select]

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nethermost - netted - netter