Sentence example with the word 'nettles'


Last update: October 1, 2015


Again, the curious distortions on the stems of nettles attacked by the Aecidium form of the heteroecious Puccina (]aricis (see FUNGf for Heteroecism), or on maize stems and leaves attacked by Ustilago Maydis, or on the inflorescence of crucifers infested with Cystopus, &c., are not individually very destructive; it is the cumulative effects of numerous attacks or of extensive epidemics which eventually tell.   [Please select]


The other plants turned to nettles and weeds, and died.   [Please select]


Those homely recipes are often the best: strawberries for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say steeped in buttermilk.   [Please select]


It feeds on the roots of dead nettles (_Lamium album_ and _L.)   [Please select]


It feeds throughout the winter by night on dead nettles (_Lamium purpureum_ and _L.)   [Please select]


"In a little tumble-down house beside the nettles," she told him.   [Please select]


I found her one morning lying in the nettles where some ruffians had left her for dead.   [Please select]


George's Mushroom--Tree-creepers--A handful of Grasses--Nettles and Dead Nettles--Butterfly--Larvæ feeding on Nettle Leaves--Fresh-water Polyzoa--Eggs of Newts--Development of Newts--Donacia Beetles--Planarian Worms.   [Please select]


"I have only tumbled down, papa, amongst these nasty nettles, and got stung rather sharply."   [Please select]


The barefooted women wore sunbonnets and loose homespun gowns, some of linen made from nettles, while the children swarmed here and there and everywhere in any costume that chance had given them.   [Please select]


Before Polly Ann could catch me I had turned and started, stumbled,--I thought on a stump,--and fallen headlong among the nettles with a stinging pain in my leg.   [Please select]

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nettled - nettles - nettlesome