Sentence example with the word 'neurasthenia'


Definition n. nervous breakdown

Last update: July 6, 2015


Thus, for example, as generations succeed one another, nervous disorders appear in various guise; epilepsy, megrim, insanity, asthma, hysteria, neurasthenia, a motley array at first sight, seemed to reveal themselves as terms of a morbid series; not only so, but certain disorders of other systems also might be members of the series, such as certain diseases of the skin, and even peculiar susceptibilities or immunities in respect of infections from without.   [Please select]


Neurasthenia, dyspepsia, gastralgia, enteritis, and pains in different parts of the body.   [Please select]


The only cases (and those were very rare) in which I have seen it fail are nervous cases, neurasthenia or imaginary illness.   [Please select]


/ Hyperesthesia (exaggeration of sensation) { as found in neurasthenia, or in mania.   [Please select]


The light of neurasthenia burned behind his eyelids; he felt at once a consuming flame within, a paralyzing frost without.   [Please select]


Hysteria and neurasthenia closely simulate every imaginable physical disease, but they do not exactly parallel any one of them.   [Please select]

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