Sentence example with the word 'newish'


Last update: October 29, 2015


Then up and spoke a small, newish switching-engine, with a little step in front of his bumper-timber, and his wheels so close together that he looked like a broncho getting ready to buck.   [Please select]


I wandered up the street and turned at random to the right; a few doors ahead a newish red brick building proclaimed itself the post-office, and gave the only sign of life in the neighborhood.   [Please select]


Part of it was as old as Noah, but most was newish and jerry-built, the kind of flat-chested, thin French Chateau, all front and no depth, and full of draughts and smoky chimneys.   [Please select]


He reached a newish Tennyson down from his candle-box bookshelf.   [Please select]

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newfound - newish - newly