Sentence example with the word 'nimblest'


Last update: September 18, 2015


And verily before the nimblest-tongued priest in the whole realm of England could say a hunting-mass, both were in a blaze.   [Please select]


She does a lot of things well,—takes cups in golf tournaments and is the nimblest hand at tennis you ever saw.   [Please select]


He was also beginning to master the fact that Cecily was the quickest, nimblest, most indefatigable player on the field.   [Please select]


It was at the moment when thinking men were asking these questions that one of the nimblest of politicians took the center of the stage.   [Please select]


However, you are a wise rascal, the nimblest wit of all the Æsir, and it is better to have you on my side than on the other, when giants are in the game.   [Please select]

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nimbler - nimblest - nimbly