Sentence example with the word 'nominees'


Last update: September 17, 2015


In 1886 he was elected mayor of New York City, his nomination having been forced upon the Democratic Party by the strength of the other nominees, Henry George and Theodore Roosevelt; his administration (1887-1888) was thoroughly efficient and creditable, but he broke with Tammany, was not renominated, ran independently for re-election, and was defeated.   [Please select]


The penalties remained, but the court consisted of a judge and four assessors, all government nominees.   [Please select]


The whole executive power remained in the hands of the Governor or his nominees.   [Please select]


Of their nominees, two had hitherto ranked themselves as Free-Soilers, three as anti-slavery Democrats, and five as Whigs.   [Please select]


One of the seniors asked that the nominees should stand up, as they didn't know their names only their faces.   [Please select]


The Massachusetts statute provided that before an election each political party should certify its nominees to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.   [Please select]


All the nominees of all the parties were printed on one sheet.   [Please select]

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nominee - nominees - nomos