Sentence example with the word 'noncombatants'


Last update: September 2, 2015


To the horror of war has been added the unnecessary violation and death of noncombatants.   [Please select]


The execution of noncombatants is not war, and no excuse can be made for it.   [Please select]


The houses destroyed were the small and peaceful houses of noncombatants.   [Please select]


Making money, after all, was the "battle of life," and he--he had thought it often before now--had placed himself with the noncombatants.   [Please select]


On the whole, the North had more than double numbers, even if compared with a Southern total that includes noncombatants.   [Please select]


Not satisfied with killing in battle, they fire on helpless lifeboats, sending women and children as well as unarmed noncombatants to the bottom of the sea.   [Please select]


The streets are empty and dead, and in each house people, family groups, noncombatants, folk who ask only the right to work and love and live, sit and wait with blanched faces.   [Please select]

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noncombatant - noncombatants - noncombustible