Sentence example with the word 'nutrition'


appetite, broil, chewing, deglutition, epulation, grilling, licking, omnivorousness, poaching, searing, vegetarianism

Definition n. (physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished

Last update: October 14, 2015


Vampire blood would not provide nutrition, though feeding on Sarah created the intimate connection that they both needed now.   [Please select]


The nutrition of the plains furnishes the nourishment of men.   [Please select]


The liquor sanguinis passes from the blood capillaries to supply nutrition to the tissues.   [Please select]


For instance, their nutrition bears no relation to the nutrition of the body.   [Please select]


This in turn interferes with the nutrition of the liver cells and they undergo fatty degeneration and perish.   [Please select]


The division of a cell, or particle of protoplasm, is indeed a necessary consequence of its complete nutrition.   [Please select]


Religion treated from the economic side, you know, the effect of lack of nutrition on character.   [Please select]


I was reading a book just the other day on the effect of the lack of nutrition on character.   [Please select]


But it is exceedingly important that she should be kept in a state of hyper-nutrition--that is, that she should have as much good, underdone meat as she can digest.   [Please select]

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