Sentence example with the word 'obtrudes'


Last update: October 10, 2015


But in the works edited by Montholon and Las Cases, where the political aim constantly obtrudes itself, the emperor is made again and again to embroider on the theme that he had always been the true champion of ordered freedom.   [Please select]


The writer never obtrudes himself, but leaves his presence to be discerned by the touches which attest an eye-witness.   [Please select]


There was dignity without stiffness, comfort without luxury, simplicity without any suggestion of the poverty that painfully obtrudes itself.   [Please select]


If he passes a lady in a narrow space, so that he blocks her way or in any manner obtrudes upon her, he lifts his hat as he passes.   [Please select]

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obtruded - obtrudes - obtruding