Sentence example with the word 'obviate'


anticipate, debar, discourage, exclude, forbid, help, intervene, preclude, repel, stave off, ward off

Definition v. do away with

Last update: February 20, 2017


The flyover obviates the need to drive at a snail's pace.   [Please select]


Getting rid of the second summit would obviate the need to carry two maps.   [verb]


Could not these be fastened down in some way to obviate any risk?   [verb]


It was enough for a Waverley to have sustained the public disgrace; the patrimonial injury could easily be obviated by the head of their family.   [verb]


Any attempt to obviate criticism, however just, by altering a work already in the hands of the public is generally unsuccessful.   [verb]


To obviate this difficulty Felice Fontana of Florence (Saggio del real gabinetto di fisica e di storia naturale, 1 755) first proposed the use of spider webs in micrometers,' but it was not till the attention of Troughton had been directed to the subject by Rittenhouse that the idea was carried into practice.'   [Please select]


But all these precautions do not obviate the greatest difficulty of all,--your voice.   [Please select]


But I have a plan which will obviate any further difficulty.   [Please select]


To obviate this difficulty, the joint should be made similar to those used on scales.   [Please select]


The drawings obviate any necessity for going into detail in the [Illustration: Table Details] description.   [Please select]


This was, to rig up a mast and sail, and thus obviate the necessity of rowing.   [Please select]

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obversely - obviate - obviated