Sentence example with the word 'occasioning'


Last update: October 20, 2015


From 1803 to 1807 he was a member of the State House of Representatives, becoming during this period the leader of one of two personalpolitical factions in the state that long continued in bitter strife, occasioning his fighting two duels, in one of which he killed his antagonist, and in the other was wounded in his wrist.   [Please select]


Of all the cosmological ideas, however, it is that occasioning the fourth antinomy which compels us to venture upon this step.   [Please select]


"If I have any share in occasioning your uneasiness," said Lord Evandale, mildly, "you will soon, Edith, be released from it."   [Please select]


Many whales and seals had been seen, also one or two bears, but not in circumstances in which they could be attacked without occasioning much delay.   [Please select]


Meanwhile, with respect to these conceptions, as with respect to all our cognition, we certainly may discover in experience, if not the principle of their possibility, yet the occasioning causes of their production.   [Please select]

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occasioned - occasioning - occasions