Sentence example with the word 'oleander'


Definition n. an ornamental but poisonous flowering shrub having narrow evergreen leaves and clusters of fragrant white to pink or red flowers: native to East Indies but widely cultivated in warm regions

Last update: September 30, 2015


In some places, occupying the sides and hollows of ravines, are found the rose bay (Nerium Oleander), called in Persian khar-zarah, or ass-bane, the wild laburnum and various Indigoferae.   [Please select]


Edging the mound there were wild aloes and the wild oleander.   [Please select]


The front of the house faced a yard of stately evergreens and great tubs of flowers, oleander, crepe myrtle, and pomegranate.   [Please select]


Wilkins buttonholing Briggs and evidently telling him the story of the oleander tree in the middle of the garden.   [Please select]


Briggs was listening with a patience she thought rather nice, seeing that it was his oleander and his own father's story.   [Please select]


All your little Rose asks is the right to an occasional Wednesday matinĂ©e when business droops like a sick oleander.   [Please select]


The gardens will grow anything, and plots of land are divided by oleander hedges of many colours.   [Please select]

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oleaginous - oleander - oleanders