Sentence example with the word 'onrushing'


Last update: June 10, 2015


The hoofs of the onrushing horses rang now and then on the harsh outcropping rock, and here and there struck fire.   [Please select]


A moment more and the onrushing horde would have massacred them like cattle.   [Please select]


Soon the onrushing fire ended the cry and the men turned to other tasks.   [Please select]


But where the onrushing Germans, according to the reasoning of the Crown Prince, should have found no resistance, they encountered strenuous opposition.   [Please select]


Straight toward the onrushing Austrians they spurred their horses; and the Austrians parted to let them through.   [Please select]


Something, some infinite immeasurable power, onrushing in its eternal courses, shook the Pit in its grasp.   [Please select]


The thousands of hoofs had raised a cloud of dust that not only enveloped the onrushing line, but rolled before it.   [Please select]


He had a hammer in his hand and was hitting some object in the roadway over which he was bending with a concentrated interest that made him quite unconscious of the onrushing car.   [Please select]


Just as he finished speaking, the welcome "pup-pup" of a machine gun in their rear rang out, and the front line of the onrushing German seemed to melt away.   [Please select]

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onrush - onrushing - onset