Sentence example with the word 'opalescence'


Definition n. the visual property of something having a milky brightness and a play of colors from the surface

Last update: July 3, 2015


The mink's small eyes were lit with a smouldering, ruddy glow, sinister and implacable; while rage and pain had cast over the eyes of the fox a peculiar green opalescence.   [Please select]


Behind the soft, milky opalescence of the wall glimmers the egg- tabernacle, with its form vaguely suggesting the star of some order of knighthood.   [Please select]


Any of the perfumed vinegars that are required to produce opalescence, when mixed with water, must contain some gum-resin, like the hygienic vinegar, as above.   [Please select]


For a little, strain and source were alike indefinite--an impalpable setting to harmony of the mellowed light, the perfumed opalescence of the air, the luxury and charm of the room.   [Please select]

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opacity - opalescence - opalescent