Sentence example with the word 'oppressions'


Last update: August 24, 2015


He deprived his mother and sisters of their possessions, was hated by his subjects on account of his oppressions, and in 5236 was placed under the imperial ban and driven from Austria.   [Please select]


You have oppressions and palpitations of the heart.   [Please select]


Women who are in revolt to-day see in marriage the instrument of all their oppressions.   [Please select]


The plans of his Majesty were an excellent refuge, repelling violence and delivering the Egyptians from the oppressions which were around them.   [Please select]


The patience of the Scots, under their oppressions, is not to be paralleled in any history.   [Please select]


By oppressions, woes, and pains, By our sons in servile chains, We will drain our dearest veins, But they shall be free.   [Please select]


Apart from such cases, there would be the very real danger of an organized attempt to destroy Anarchism and revive ancient oppressions.   [Please select]


Nobody hates feudalism--in its corruptions, in its oppressions--more than I do.   [Please select]


"The government went on searching private houses, opening private letters, forbidding lectures and meetings, and practicing the most infamous oppressions against us."   [Please select]


The Greeks were always inquisitive and fond of knowledge, but their love of liberty has been one of their strongest peculiarities, kept alive amid all the oppressions to which they have been subjected.   [Please select]

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oppression - oppressions - oppressive