Sentence example with the word 'ordure'


bowel movement, coprolite, cow flops, decay, dung, filth, guano, movement, obscenity, scurf, shit, sordes

Definition n. solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels

Last update: October 15, 2015


One is quite astonished to see so rich a gem load its basket with ordure.   [Please select]


The Anthidia have shown us how, in their cotton-wool wallets, they manufacture a sort of jewellery with their ordure.   [Please select]


Further, the leaves, which are seriously bitten into, are reduced to tatters and soiled with little heaps of greenish ordure.   [Please select]


Under its thick mantle of ordure the grub of the Lily-beetle escapes the troubles so fatal to its cousin of the asparagus.   [Please select]


, the ordure of the young is removed to a distance by the parent bird.   [Please select]


Ordure: excrement; usually applied to such as is foul or offensive.   [Please select]

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ordos - ordure - ordures