Sentence example with the word 'original'


ab ovo, conception, fair copy, held back, initial, model, penscript, queer specimen, spare, unconcocted, unspecious

Definition adj. preceding all others in time or being as first made or performed

Last update: July 30, 2015


The bridge had a modern wooden decking linking the original stone abutments.   [adjective]


These original releases came exclusively on 12 vinyl, packaged in a highly distinctive, minimalist esthetic.   [adjective]


Oldbuck with him, having had his original opinion of his sagacity much confirmed by late events.   [adjective]


The two united to rob the untutored possessors of its wooded scenery of their native right to perpetuate its original appellation of "Horican."   [adjective]


The word Quickens requires in like manner to be altered,--decomposed, as it were,--and reduced to its original and genuine sound, ere we can discern its real meaning.   [adjective]


"He replies in character," said M'Intyre; "but you should hear MAlpin sing the original."'   [adjective]


"If you are sure of that," said M'Intyre, gravely, "he must have taken very unwarrantable liberties with his original."'   [adjective]

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orient - original - ornery