Sentence example with the word 'outfield'


amateur athlete, baseballer, bowling green, cricket ground, field, gridiron, jumper, playing field, putting green, soccer field, toxophilite

Definition n. the area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the bases

Last update: October 12, 2015


A brilliant fielder was moved to the outfield.   [Please select]


Farms were divided into infield and outfield; corn crops followed one another without the intervention of fallow, cultivated herbage or turnips, though something is said about fallowing the outfield; enclosures were very rare; the tenantry had not begun to emerge from a state of great poverty and depression; and the wages of labour, compared with the price of corn, were much lower than at present, though that price, at least in ordinary years, must appear extremely moderate in our times.   [Please select]


"Aweel," said Cuddie, sighing heavily, "I 'se awa to pleugh the outfield then; for if I am no to speak to him, I wad rather be out o' the gate."   [Please select]

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outfaced - outfield - outfielder