Sentence example with the word 'outgeneraled'


Last update: June 18, 2015


With about 2500 men he recrossed the Delaware on the night of the 25th of December, surprised three regiments of Hessians at Trenton the next morning, and took 1000 prisoners and 1000 stands of arms. In a series of movements following up this success he outgeneraled the British commander, Lord Cornwallis, and on the 3rd of January 1776, defeated a detachment of his army at Princeton (q.v.).   [Please select]


He recognized that once more, save for Thomas, the North had been outgeneraled.   [Please select]


Thus outgeneraled he hurried to Wilmington, where he could be aided by the British fleet.   [Please select]


Morgan won the battle of the Cowpens; Greene outgeneraled Cornwallis and then reconquered South Carolina.   [Please select]


The result was partly determined by this personal equation in an action in which the _Macedonian_ was outgeneraled as well as outfought.   [Please select]


Frank Sedley rather outgeneraled Tony, and his crew were more used to pulling than we.   [Please select]


Flaunting his hat passionately at the thin columns, the young man shouted into space: "Outnumbered--outarmed--outequipped--outrationed--but not outgeneraled, sir, not outsoldiered, not outmanned."   [Please select]

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outgeneral - outgeneraled - outgo