Sentence example with the word 'outlander'


Definition n. a person who comes from a foreign country

Last update: July 28, 2015


Outlander, i.e.   [Please select]


Out of its insularity it made occasional excursions to dinners and week-ends; even into marriage, now and then with an outlander.   [Please select]


"He'd see the Outlander early-bird after the young domestic worm," was the slow reply.   [Please select]


That he plotted to secure the betrayal of the Baas' country and the Outlander interest, while he would have given his life for the Baas, was but the twisted sense of a perverted soul.   [Please select]


He was no longer the stalwart Outlander who had done such great work in South Africa and had such power in political London and in international finance.   [Please select]

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outland - outlander - outlanders