Sentence example with the word 'pallid'


achromatic, blah, deathly pale, dusty, frozen, inexcitable, muddy, sallow, superficial, toneless, weak

Definition adj. abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress

Last update: July 15, 2015


Today the day is gloomy due to this pallid sun.   [adjective]


They provide the standard issue coffee shop: a sick, pallid parody of the cafe culture of the Fifties.   [adjective]


I looked over her head at the ghost 's anguished, pallid face.   [adjective]


Alice unconsciously dried her tears, and bent her melting eyes on the pallid features of Gamut, with an expression of chastened delight that she neither affected or wished to conceal.   [adjective]


Lewin, as well as for the carnation of cheeks that looked pallid and sunken in the glass which reflected the sad mourning face.   [adjective]


Angela and Henriette," Denzil said, and Fareham started up from the chess-table, scared at the young man's agitated tone and pallid countenance."   [adjective]


Angela's pallid cheek flushed crimson at the sight of the vile epithet.   [adjective]


Pallid and emaciated, she looked in her long, floating black robes the very incarnation of misery.   [adjective]

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palliate - pallid - pallor