Sentence example with the word 'pantaloon'


Definition n. a buffoon in modern pantomimes

Last update: July 10, 2015


This done he turns the pelt inside out, like a pantaloon leg; gives it a good stretching, so as almost to double its diameter; and at last hangs it, well spread, in the rigging, to dry.   [Please select]


No clown or pantaloon was there to inflict condign punishment, because none was needed.   [Please select]


A sham court, a miserable pantaloon of a king, the prey of a designing woman who flatters his dotage.   [Please select]


Then Letty Lind came on as Columbine in black tulle, and Arthur Roberts as the policeman, and Eddy Payne as the clown and Storey as Pantaloon.   [Please select]


He--well, he is not beautiful, neither can I imagine him a pantaloon actor, but his face will adapt itself splendidly to any strong character make-up, whether noble or villainous.   [Please select]

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