Sentence example with the word 'parings'


Last update: October 25, 2015


The Chateau of the duc de Luynes, the translator of the Meditations, was the home of a Cartesian club, that discussed the questions of automatism and of the composition of the sun from filings and parings, and rivalled Port Royal in its vivisections.   [Please select]


Still, when he had looked back from the gate, he had seen his mother kneeling among the potato parings.   [Please select]


There were "bees" and "frolics," ranging from strenuous barn raisings, with heavy drinking and fighting, to mild apple parings or quilt patchings.   [Please select]


The acrid smell of potato-parings rose in the furnace-like heat of the kitchen, along with the singing voice, asking and answering itself.   [Please select]


Give them apple parings, any green stuff you can get and a little olive oil.   [Please select]


Charlie, who was only four years old, was watching to see that none of the parings fell over the edge of the jar.   [Please select]


He finished his apple and proceeded with great gravity to drop the parings down the immaculate register in the floor beside his chair.   [Please select]

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paring - parings - paris