Sentence example with the word 'parochialism'


alien, blind spot, division, hideboundness, isolation, meanness, nearsightedness, persona non grata, quarantine, separation, straitlacedness, xenophobia

Definition n. a limitation of views or interests like that defined by a local parish

Last update: October 20, 2015


Owners of short lines were inclined by tradition to resist even the imperative necessities of war and their stubborn conservatism was frequently encouraged by the shortsighted parochialism of the towns.   [Please select]


Lagardelle explains, the two sections will correct each other's point of view: national federation of industries will prevent parochialism (localisme), and local organization will check the corporate or `Trade Union' spirit.'   [Please select]


A passionate believer in Greater Britain, in the expansion of England, in the energy, resources, and prospects of the Queen's dominions beyond the seas, the parochialism of Cape Colony astonished and perplexed him.   [Please select]

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parochial - parochialism - parodied