Sentence example with the word 'passional'


Last update: September 24, 2015


If the whole of a man's personality goes to the making of the truth he accepts, it is clear that his beliefs are not matters of "pure reason," and that his passional and volitional nature must contribute to them and cannot validly be excluded.   [Please select]


He notes much in nature, therefore, that western art--which is passional--doesn't observe at all.   [Please select]


The main thread of the narrative traces through a labyrinth of loosely connected scenes and events the growth of the hero's character,--a progressive training by various influences, passional, intellectual, social, moral, and religious.   [Please select]


If, on the one hand, his loves had revealed to him the passional side of feminine nature, he had enjoyed, on the other, the friendship of some of the purest and noblest of womankind.   [Please select]

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passion - passional - passionate