Sentence example with the word 'patrimonial'


Definition adj. inherited or inheritable by established rules

Last update: June 12, 2015


Three-quarters of the population of Russia) form a class apart, 4 largely excepted from the incidence of the ordinary law, and governed in accordance with their local customs. The mir itself, with its customs, is of immemorial antiquity (see Village Communities); it was not, however, till the emancipation of the serfs in 1861 that the village community was withdrawn from the patrimonial jurisdiction of the landowning nobility and endowed with self-government.   [Please select]


Esmond called his American house Castlewood, from the patrimonial home in the old country.   [Please select]


Robbery, theft, patrimonial damage, and injury to person and property were private trespasses, and not punished by the State.   [Please select]


At the time Shamus was added to the population of Ireland, the patrimonial estate had dwindled down to a peat bog.   [Please select]


To such men their fellow citizens may safely entrust the care of protecting their patrimonial rights, and their country the more sacred charge of her laws and privileges.   [Please select]


Spinola was once more in the field, and had invested the important town of Breda, which was the patrimonial inheritance of the princes of Orange.   [Please select]

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